Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Inner Child

Yargh. Bangun pagi tadi, teringat zaman childhood. Don't be fooled, bukan zaman school teen, tapi school kids. Kes pe? Semalam browsing youtube, terserempak kat Project EAR Marabahaya, which leads to my memory of Impak Maksima. Best giler citer tu kan? Pape pun, malam tu sebelum tidur, aq terfikir, mesti best kalau aq dapat jadi drag racer. Teringat lah zaman sekolah rendah, mase orang tergila-gilakan citer tu. Haha!
Lepas mandi, I have the sudden urge to play Super Mario Bros.? Damn I miss that game. I mean, it is the most addictive game you ever played, right? Maybe ramai budak from the 90's can relate it to their childhood. Las2, aq pun nak cari lagu-lagu lama yang aq suka, cam LLcoolJ-Mama said Knock You Out, Sergio Mendes-Mas Que Nada, and many more. Tambahan pula dengan Maroon 5 kat MTV Icon, pasang lagu This Love, Sunday Morning and banyak lagi. Owh Damn.... I missed those time.

Pape pun, I just love my childhood moments. Feel so sweet. OK laa pembaca blog berhabuk ku. HyeJin, signing off. Till then, Salam!

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