Saturday, April 30, 2011

Comeback Blog

When was the last time I posted a blog? I cant even remember. Hehe, pandai2 je aq wat blog comeback aq. The maestro is back and he come with a new version, The Fox Prototype. Kes pe, terpikat bce komik "Prototaip Rama-Rama".

Papepon, silat dah dekat da. Dekat nak mampos. Tringat plak kt Iman mareng 1st time pakai bju silat. Glepo hanyarrrrr! Asalkan, aq, Iman, Amir S menang kt c2, ps2 g kt Melaka, menang lgi, ps2 g kt Belgium, JADI JUARA DUNIA.

Second story, ari nih, bley la kbo bes gk, g mesra mall, main boling. Menang 2 game, 131 n 143. 143? 143! Whoa, magic number! Syirik... x baek. Tgk movie lak. Cter THOR. Bes gk la. 3.5 out of 5. Kes pe, bynk lwk yg x dijangka. Ps2 main pool lk, klah............

Opa juz wanna say
" AKU BASATTTT FOLLOWERS!!!!!" jadi, tlg follow aq. bubbye...

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